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Saturday February 1 2014
 7:30PM doors -- music at 8:30PM ••• ALL AGES
$13.50 in advance / $16 at the door
Reggie And The Full Effect
 indie rock
 emo / pop punk
 indie punk rock

Reggie And The Full Effect 
James Dewees
-From Kansas City, Missouri.
-Reggie And The Full Effect is the solo project of The Get Up Kids keyboardist James Dewees. Known for being full of skits, hooky pop songs, and chunky guitar playing that appeals to fans of punk rock, emo, and hardcore alike, this unique project has two backstories. One is fictitious and humorous- the tale of a bluesman named Reggie who vanished at the height of his career, and whose lost "White Chocolate Studios" recordings were recently unearthed and dropped at the doorstep of a couple of independent record lables. The other is the real story- Reggie is actually the Get Up Kids' keyboard player and former Coalesce drummer James Dewees, making records on kwhich he plays all of the instruments.

Reggie has this to say about himself and his new album, No Country For Old Musicians: "I think hardcore Reggie fans will really like the return to my original style, plus a lot of new funny ideas and of course stupid skits. I'm so excited to get this record done and and get back on the road to share what I love to do with you all again. There will be new mercy, new music, new videos, new everything! And I'm introducting my stand up comedy alter ego, 'Keith Phillips.'"

Every show is different, each one as bizarre and enjoyable as the last. Reggie And The Full Effect is a one-of-a-kind musical experience that allows us to let go of what we thought performing should be like and embrace the methodically-planned chaos that is the mind of James Dewees.

John Bradley and Scott Scharinger.
-From Piscataway, New Jersey.
-Dads is a two-piece from New Jersey (but at the same time no where at all) and formed in 2010. Their blend of melody and rhythm becomes the familiarities that help you through your day, the calm of your anxiety and panic attacks, the unintentional disregard for the future and why you're afraid of it, the shitty movie you know is crap but put on to forget about everything else going wrong around you. Dads is your loyal best friend and favorite distraction.

Melodic and heavy, Dads mixes pulsing rhythms, soaring vocals, and poignant lyrics into a powerful rock combination. Softly, the music builds and builds until the tension is nearly unbearable, then resolves in a flash with killer breakdowns and raw energy.

Vincept Caito, Lance Claypool, Michael Hansen, and Jeramiah Pauly.
-From Buffalo, New York.
-Pentimento is a punk rock quartet from Buffalo, NY, that strives to create a sound focused on the raw emotion of the punk scene it grew up on.

While staying true to the roots and influences of its upbringing, what sets Pentimento apart is the sheer honesty and authenticity present in its music. Pentimento's goal has always been to share passionate music with others. Its hope has always been for listeners to develop a personal relationship with its music, eclipsing the traditional band-to-fan acquaintance and fusing a deeper bond.