Listings are
in the opposite order of appearance: headliner is listed at the top,
next is the support band(s),
and the last band listed is the opener.
Sunday August 20 2017 8:30PM doors -- music at 9:00PM ••• ALL AGES $12 in advance / $15 at the door The Sorcerers Tour... Milo www.facebook.com/modestmilo with... Randal Bravery and, performing short solo sets, ... SB the Moor Kenny Segal hip-hop/rap Jel of Anticon jelsmusic.bandcamp.com/ Alternative instrumental hip hop Gestures trueindigo.bandcamp.com// Post-modern noise punk Wolf Langis of Bottled Water bottledwater.bandcamp.com/ hip-hop/rap, post-minimalist Milo -from Milwaukee, Wisconsin -BLACK MAN FULLY AUTOMATIC - I convert and translate. Jel Jel -from Berkeley, CA -Jel has been making hip hop beats since 1994. Helped start Anticon records. Has played with Jimmy Hendrix and jimmy Buffet. also in these groups: THEMSELVES, 13 & GOD, SUBTLE, PRESAGE, EUROPE (FINAL COUNTDOWN), BRUCE HORNSBY, PEEPING TOM, 1200 HOBOS, APSO - Gestures Rose Cherami, Ian Idels -from San Francisco, CA -Rose Cherami (noise engineer), Katya Bitar (singer), Ian Idels (drummer) play in an improv noise/shoegaze/genreless band. Wolf Langis of Bottled Water Danny Berliner -from San Francisco, CA -Bottled Water is the manic, panicked and dynamic duo of unorthodox hip-hop MCs raised in the suburban shadow of New York City. Now frequently spotted in the Bay Area, Dot Dot (played by Maxx Bartko) and Wolf Langis (played by Daniel Berliner) have made it their mission to seek out complex, unusual instrumentals and coat them with vivid surreal imagery, dark topical humor, and absurd insights. |